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About MAP

Dive into the world of Metropolitan Arts Press; the publication house of the European Centre for Architecture Design Art and Urban Studies in collaboration with the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design.

For more than two decades, we issue annual award catalogs along with selected publications and tribute books, special editions on Design, Architecture, Art, Literature, and Poetry. 


As the next step, we created this online store not only to provide easy access to all the participants of our annual award programs in ordering their catalogs, but with the vision to become a point of reference for the design community worldwide.


So what makes us special?


We are solely committed to the vision of The Chicago Athenaeum and its Good Design trademark values.


But what GOOD DESIGN stands for?


A little bit of history: the GOOD DESIGN award program started as a partnership between the Museum of Modern Art in New York City (MoMA) and the Merchandise Mart in Chicago and is continued today by The Chicago Athenaeum. It was the first time that an art museum and a wholesale merchandising center joined forces to present "the best new examples in modern design in home furnishings."


Nowadays, the mission is the advancement of public education on the value of Good Design - from the "spoon to the city" - and how design can positively impact the human environment.

To this aim, The Chicago Athenaeum, along with The European Centre, run yearly awards for the following programs: Good Design, Green Good Design, International Architecture, American Architecture, and 40under40 European Design, whose yearbooks and editions you will find online, here.


What other merchandise can you find on our online store?

Besides the editions and catalogs, you will find interesting merchandise and cutting-edge design products by The Chicago Athenaeum and The European Centre.

Join our international design hub!

 The Metropolitan Arts Press Team