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Ticket for Gala/Dinner of Good Design Awards Ceremony

	Ticket for Gala/Dinner of Good Design Awards Ceremony

Tags: Ticket, for, , Good, Design, Awards,

  • Publisher: Good Design
  • ISBN: Ticket
  • Dimensions (WxH) (cm): 0.00 x 0.00
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 300.00€
  • Ex Tax: 300.00€

Awards Ceremony and Gala/Dinner 

The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies
invite you to attend at the Awards Ceremony and Gala/Dinner of : 


DATE    : Friday, April 4th, at 19.00
VENUE : Divani Palace Acropolis  
                Roof Garden-Acropolis Secret,
                19-25 Parthenonos str.,
                11742, Athens, Greece

*This is an Individual Dinner Ticket.

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