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The Mississippi River

The Mississippi River

Tags: Christian Narkiewicz-Laine, , art, design, literature, poetry, photography

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According to the Finnish-Lithuanian artist, Christian Narkiewicz-Laine, this collection of Mississippi River’s images consists of "photographic paintings that encompass an exploration of color, light, and composition without any notion of portraying any certain reality of subject matter. Everything in this world is uncertain. There is no intention to make definition in absolutes. […] This is both a construction and a reconstruction. My goal has been to capture only the essence of the place and to reminisce—with typical human limitations—or, define, explain, convey a thought, tell a story. […] My only intention has been to measure the spiritual essence of place beyond the reality of physical definition—as if the landscape’s aura or invisible presence has invaded the ordinary or the commonplace—and taken over. The result: colors run and surge, images explode, skies melt, clouds dissipate, trees and branches twist and curl, distances dissolve, foregrounds liquefy —much like how the real world collapses inside the giant whirlpool of its own vortex. Much the same as how every memory one day fades and alludes us into its own oblivion. […] To interpret that these images are “atmospheric” would be an understatement. Here, the only concern about the composition of the photograph is its dream-like vision of the isolated parts of fractured time—a memory frozen within the photograph."

Hard Cover: Perfect Bound
Pages: 68
ISBN: 0-935119-31-0

Publication Date: 2010

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